Kamis, 11 Oktober 2018

New Zealand vs Indonesia in Education

Assalamu'alaikum ^-^

Hello my beloved friends 😊. How are you? I hope you have a great day on this Friday and don't forget to read Al-Kahfi ya guys 😊

Takepo lake via santaiarea.com

Do you know New Zealand? Have you dream will go to New Zealand for your vacation or study? Have you ever go to New Zealand?

New Zealand is not only famous because of the beauty of nature that became an attraction in the tourism sector, New Zealand also shows the quality of education sector. Ya, in this time I would like to discuss about the difference of education between Indonesia and New Zealand. Happy reading! 😉

According to Karmela Christy, Market Manager Indonesia Education New Zealand said that New Zealand at this moment even be ranked fifth in Asia and Oceania for innovation because the educational system is very supportive. In addition, in September 2017, New Zealand is ranked one on terms of preparing the students  to face the challenge in the various industries into future.

If you guys  have plan and interested to study ini New Zealand, there are some difference of education system between New Zealand and Indonesia that you should know. What is it?

The subjects ini New Zealand is less than in Indonesia
The students can take subject that are only want to learn. They have know what their power. Not like in Indonesia we have to learn all of the subjects in the school. Sometimes, that's make me stress because the teacher give me many assignment 😑

There are 8 fields of science are taught in New Zealand; English, Artis, Health and Physical Education, Learning Language, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Science, and Technology.

In New Zealand, there are only ordinary secondary school, not like in Indonesia that have special secondary school like SMK. But the curriculum that studied in New Zealand is already equivalent with the students who learned on SMK in Indonesia. So, when  they graduate from secondary school, they also have the skill as SMK in Indonesia. Because they learn more practice than theory.

New Zealand have collaboration that integrated

One of the most differences of the education system in New Zealand with Indonesia is that New Zealand has established collaboration between universities and industries that are currently being developed. The students only study according to industry needs. So, when they graduate, they are really ready to face the world of work.

Karmela said that in New Zealand collaboration between universities and industries was very integrated, so the results were very effective. The unemployment rate ini New Zealand is very low, even there is lack of labor.

In Indonesia the matter of respect for older people is highly recommended. In contrast, in New Zealand is which more egalitarian. The students have no distance or limited with their lecturers. Karmela said that the students can call the lecturers directly with their first name and even they do not need to use the title like 'Master, Ma'am, or Prof'. They are very open to being criticized when are in class.

That's all about the difference of education between New Zealand and Indonesia. Actually, many more the difference of education between New Zealand and Indonesia. If you want to add the information about education in New Zealand, please write on comment column😊

I hope you enjoy and like to read this post 😊
Thank you and see you on next post 🤗
Wassalamu'alaikum ^-^


Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Men from Mars, Women from Venus?

Assalamu'alaikum ^_^
Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you guys have a nice weekend 😊

Do you know Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus?
Have you read this book? Yeah, I will tell you about John Gray's book.

"Man are from Mars, Women are from Venus" it's figurative that explain men and women are from different planet and very different in all things. They was born with differences, what the difference between men and women?

Man has instincs that he want to take care himself. If he has some problems , he will overcome it by himself. Because he want his ability is recognized. Even if any people give him solution for his problem without being asked, he will take offense because he feel unable to finish it by himself. That's why he become non communicative if he get some problems. He choose too silent, overcome, and  find solution by himself. While woman has instincs that she is care with other people. If she has some problems, she will talk with her friends, her mother, and even she will share her feeling in sosial media 😁. Ya, she just want the others hear her feeling because actually woman don't want solution for her problems.

Women use their feeling and intuition. Sometimes, women tend to panic and negative thinking if their partner have not give tidings in a day. That's why women are jealous easily rather than men, although there are men  who is jealous easily but most of them tend to hide their feeling because of the prestige.

Do you ever asked the opinion of the man? Ya, he will give you answer with simple word, because man likes to speak to the points. Usually he likes to speak something that have important points. Sometimes, woman already talk too much but his answer just "oh, yeah" "oh, I see" arrrghh very annoying! While woman likes to talk anything. She likes to talk about things that are important until things that are not important (gossip) 😂.

Men and women have a different style of communication. Women want men understand her language and men tried to understand women's language through his language.

In relationship, men and women have different emosional needs. Women need caring, understanding, respect, devotion, and validation. While men need trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, and approval. Men actually dislike if not trusted, they feel uncomfortable if women began to arrange his life. Because they feel that their power diminish. Your partner also wants to be free, he's got a life of its own, so don't restrain him. And women like her partner respect with them. They want other people understanding their feeling.

That's why there is term "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". They are very different. They have each language and have each way to respons anything. So, they should understand, respect, and forgive each other for better relationship.

That's about Men vs Women, I hope you enjoy and like to read this post 😊
If you have some argument about Mars-Venus, please write on comment column.
Thank you and see you on my next post 🤗
Wassalamu'alaikum ^_^